Electronic circuits that use the 555 Timer

555 Timer Circuits

555 Timers are fun and a great way to start learning electronics


The fastest way to put a circuit together is on BREADBOARD. The cheapest and best bread-board has power-rails and sets of "tie-points" or "holes" as shown in this photo:

Connect the components with hook-up wire (called jumpers) by stripping the ends to expose the wire at both ends. Or you can use 0.5mm tinned copper wire (make sure the jumpers do not touch each other).
Do not cut the leads of the components as you may want long leads on another project.

Neatness is not important. The important thing is to build as many circuits as possible as each one will help you understand how the 555 works and how the external circuitry modifies the signal to produce the resulting effect. There is a point-to-learn in every circuit.

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